You're Invited to Join us at Our Annual Impact of Color Fundraiser.
We are having a pop-up art show at Ilan Dei's Gallery in Venice, featuring art by Alcott Clients and art donated by local artists. Art will be available for purchase. 100% of the proceeds from art sales by Alcott Clients go to them and proceeds from the donated art benefits our Mental Health and Housing Services. For more information about Alcott visit
This year we have partnered with Chromasonic. Guests will be able to join an immersive sound and light experience. More information can be found here:
In addition, we have received copies of the NY time bestseller "Your Brain on Art" by authors Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross. The book explores how the arts transform us and how the integration of art, science and technology could be the way to a better future. Explore this informative book. Books will be available for purchase on site with 100% of the processds going to Alcott programs
There will be art activities, music, food and drinks. The first 25 guests that arrive will receive a gift bag!
Some of Our Featured Artists:
Here's some of the sponsors for our Silent Auction:
Ticket Includes:
The Chromasonic Experience
Appetizers and 2 Drinks