Book and Basketball Fund


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A retired Hubbard schoolteacher, with 30 years of teaching experience, as well as a director of teacher education and professor at Eastern Gateway Community College in Ohio for nearly 6 years, Coach Dave Konczal is a strong believer in academics and basketball since he also was a head girl’s basketball coach for Southington, Hubbard, Warren JFK and Cortland Lakeview High Schools in Ohio.

In 2018, Coach Konczal founded Books & Basketball of Ohio, Inc. after seeing first hand the need to help our underprivileged youth realize their dreams of participating in sports through books and tutoring.

Participation in sports can be costly but that time in the gym is an opportunity to teach the youth the value of cooperation and teamwork. And success in education goes hand in hand with providing a solid foundation for success in their future.

Not all youth can afford to play sports so education is a mandatory part of having the opportunity to play. Books & Basketball of Ohio tutors all the youth and in return, they can pursue their passion to play sports.

The funds raised go the long-term existence of the organization and towards the costs of tutors. And the long-term benefits of the education, cooperation, and teamwork will last a lifetime.


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