Donate to the Spano Foundation


You can impact the lives of people in our community.

Your generous donation makes our work possible. Thank you for supporting our programs.

The Anthony V Spano Foundation endeavors to be the destination for donors and nonprofits that are passionately committed to creating systemic change in the world. We aim to address the root causes of this community’s most pressing issues by supporting organizations dedicated to making this a better place for all of us. Your donation to this fund will go toward help all those in need.

Many individuals and families in our community are in need, existing day to day without the resources necessary to obtain many of the things most of us take for granted – food, clothing, housing, healthcare, just to name a few.

These may be people who may slip through the cracks unable to get the critical help they need through traditional methods. Maybe they don’t qualify for assistance from social service agencies for any number of reasons; or just don’t know where to turn for help.

The Spano Foundation exists to provide essential support directly to needy individuals and families, and to the local institutions that serve them through financial assistance that will allow people to achieve a better quality of life.

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