Let a Kid be a Kid

All kids just want to be kids. Children in foster care are no exception.

Every child served by Savannah CASAs has been placed in foster care as a result of neglect or abuse. Often, they are living in an unfamiliar place and going to a new school. They may have to make new friends or adjust to a new family. Through no fault of their own, their entire life has been turned upside down. 

All kids just want to be kids. Children in foster care are no exception. At Savannah CASA, we believe that children in foster care deserve to have experiences like every other kid. When they participate in pro-social activities, celebrate birthdays and holidays, or shop for new clothing, they get to feel like every other kid. For this reason, we started our "Let a Kid be a Kid" fund, which pays for sports and club fees, uniforms, equipment, and other "kid stuff."

Please consider making a donation and helping our kids be kids.


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