Giving Tuesday is a global day dedicated to helping others through giving. On Tuesday, December 3rd, people all over the world will come together to celebrate generosity and give to an organization of their choice.
Chief Seattle Council serves over 11,000 youth throughout the Puget Sound Region and Central Washington.
Our programs are designed to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. We do this by providing values-based curriculum, as well as creating opportunities for youth to practice leadership. Your gift to Chief Seattle Council will help ensure Scouting programs are supported in your community.
In addition to general program support, your gift will help provide camp scholarships for youth needing assistance, fund camp maintenance, and provide support for over 800 underserved youth in the council's Scoutreach program. The mission of Scoutreach is to ensure that all youth have access to the Scouting program.
Chief Seattle Council partners with community organizations who provide services to underserved youth. Program staff deliver lessons directly to youth at partner-sites. Curriculum is inspired by the general Scouting program, and modified to address underserved youth's specific challenges.