We are humbled to be able to partner with our missionary friends in Moldova as they work toward helping Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war in their homeland.
Your gift is a blessing to people living in this nightmare. We are praying for the Christians there to be bold to share their faith in Christ with people who are living in these desperate times. Please pray with us!
Thank you so much for partnering with us! Your gift makes all the difference!
Cheryl Markowitz
Executive Director
**PAYPAL **- Click on "send" at the top of the page. Then enter the address connectree.cherylm@gmail.com, the amount you want to give, and click continue. Then click "friends and family" and use your PayPal account that's linked to your checking account to avoid transaction fees. If you pay with a credit card, ConnecTree is charged fees.
**ZELLE **- You can also give through the Zelle app or through Zelle on your bank’s website. Use the email cherylmarkowitz@yahoo.com, which is connected directly to ConnecTree’s business account, and you can make a fee-free donation.
MAIL A CHECK made out to ConnecTree to our corporate office.
Please include your name, address, phone number, and email with your check so we can send you a receipt.
12685 Pocono Road
Apple Valley, CA 92308
If you have any questions, please call or email us at (760) 964-2430, cherylm@connectree.org