Join us for a Winter Trivia Fun Night!


Test your trivia knowledge and support Rett syndrome!

Saturday, February 27th, 2021 at 7pm EST

Looking for something fun to do this winter while stuck inside and want to support at the same time? Get your thinking caps on, gather some friends (virtually) and join us for our winter Trivia Night Virtual Showdown fundraiser!

We'll be hosting a virtual trivia event on Saturday, February 27th, 2021 at 7pm EST. Space is limited as we are capping out at 20 groups of 10. Ticket price of $100 includes registration for 10 people total. The ticket purchaser is the 'team captain' and will need to fill out a link after purchasing tickets with the team member names & email addresses.

The event will take place via Zoom on Sat 02/27 at 7pm EST and will take approximately 90 mins. There will be a chance for the top team to win a prize- and of course, bragging rights!

Please direct any questions to Jackie Ventura at


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