Supporting The Joy Bus


You can impact the lives of people with cancer in our community.

Your support of The Joy Bus Meal Delivery Program makes such a difference in our community. With your donation, we are able to help improve the quality of life of homebound cancer patients and aid in their healing process by delivering fresh, medically-tailored meals, social support, and nutrition education at no cost to our clients.

  • $20 - 2 weeks of home visits for an individual dealing with cancer diagnosis and treatment.
  • $40 - 4 wellness checks. It is a heartbreaking reality that many cancer patients have to face their diagnosis and treatment without the support of friends or family. The Joy Bus makes sure they are not alone.
  • $80 - 8 fresh, delicious, healthful meals. Medically-tailored to aid in the healing process during cancer treatment.
  • $120 - 12 opportunities to let a person who is dealing with some of the most difficult days of their life know that they are loved and cared for beyond measure.

"Nutrition is both overlooked and undervalued in the bustle of life with cancer. Jennifer Caraway has inserted a level of care and compassion into our lives that impacts our health directly and provides a priceless gift of meaning. The work The Joy Bus does is as critical for our well being as the medicine we have received at The Mayo Clinic."


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