Donate to YMCA Classes for a Cause


Come to a Class, Make a Difference

Join us Monday, February 24th through Saturday, March 1st for our annual Classes for a Cause fundraising event. This event is created uniquely to bring us all together for one cause.

Each day has a different theme and will follow our regular class schedule. No need to sign up, just show up! This event is open to non-members as well. Try a new class and donate to support our scholarship program for children to attend our Summer Camp and Preschool. Donations of $100 or more get a new YMCA shirt!

Monday – Hat Day
Whether you’re into quirky hats, stylish fedoras, or something completely wacky, Hat Day lets everyone showcase their unique style while having fun with headwear.

Tuesday – Mismatch Day
Wear clothes with bold, contrasting patterns—like stripes with polka dots, plaid with floral, or animal prints mixed with neon graphics

Wednesday – Throwback Day
Wear your oldest YMCA shirt or a band/concert shirt from a previous decade

Thursday – Motivational Shirt Day
Wear your favorite inspirational quote on a shirt

Friday – Hometown Day
Wear your city/state gear

Saturday – Favorite Movie/TV Character Day
Dress as a Prince, Princess, Superhero, or Villian


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