A New Normal: Letting data lead the way, every day

Tim Kachuriak, Chief Innovation & Optimization Officer for NextAfter, connected with Justin Wheeler, Funraise CEO and Co-founder, to look at NextAfter's extensive data showing nonprofits' pre- and post-COVID-19 activities, communications, and purpose. Listen as Justin and Tim evaluate valuable data from 150+ charitable organizations across a dozen nonprofit verticals:

  • Total weekly email volume from organizations
  • Which verticals communicate the most
  • Fluctuation in email volume
  • Ratio of fundraising emails to newsletters/cultivation content

This webinar is the perfect place for you to start making positive, numbers-based changes for your nonprofit. Normalize the numbers, friend!


Tim Kachuriak

Chief Innovation and Optimization Officer

Tim Kachuriak is the founder and Chief Innovation and Optimization Officer for NextAfter, a fundraising research lab consultancy, and training institute that works with charities, nonprofits and NGOs to help them grow their resource capacity. A nonprofit thought leader, Kachuriak is the author of the book Optimize Your Fundraising, lead researcher and co-author of the Online Fundraising Scorecard, Why Should I Give to You? (The Nonprofit Value Proposition Index Study), and The Midlevel Donor Crisis. Kachuriak has trained organizations in fundraising optimization around the world and is a frequent speaker at international nonprofit conferences.

Justin Wheeler

CEO and Co-founder

As a social entrepreneur, Justin helped start two successful nonprofits, both of which became multi-million dollar organizations. He brings over 10 years of experience from the nonprofit sector and was an early team member of Invisible Children, which raised over $50M in the first 8 years of operation.

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