It's time to take it virtual

Pivot to digital fundraising

During 2020's COVID-19 pandemic, nonprofits around the globe have been affected to an extent never before seen in our lifetimes.

You have responded by pivoting your strategies, your perspectives, and your impact. ‍It's time for your technology to match your energy.

COVID-19 questions; Actionable answers

Is it ethical for our organization to continue fundraising right now?

Ethically, your nonprofit needs to be fundraising right now. Your mission isn't less urgent with COVID-19 in the mix, and your responsibility is to keep your mission afloat.

How can my nonprofit continue our work right now?

With transparency and honesty, always circling back to your nonprofit's mission and impact. Move forward with the resolve and passion you've always had, but get your nonprofit the tools and assistance that you would want your constituents to have in their time of need.

Should my nonprofit hold our event or take it virtual?

Events that are still several months (or even weeks!) out could go either way. In this climate, we just don't know—but that's not a problem! Make your backup plan part of the main event: even if your in-person event moves forward, there will be people who don't feel comfortable gathering or who are too far-flung to attend, so plan a simultaneous virtual event. You'll virus-proof your plan and expand your reach.

Where should my nonprofit stream content? YouTube? Facebook? Twitch?

Stream wherever your audience is. If your biggest audience is on Facebook, put your video there. If they watch YouTube, drop it there. Tools like allow you to publish your stream on practically any social platform.
If you're interested in stretching into livestream fundraising, head to Twitch. Find a Twitch broadcaster with a built-in audience and reach out to them. You'll be opening up your audience while encouraging a deeper connection to your mission.

“Hunger and starvation are not on pause. The climate crisis is not giving us a pass. Cancer research can't stop.

Although it might be harder, now is not the time for your nonprofit to take a back seat or to put fundraising on hold.”

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Justin Wheeler

Online Fundraising Tools

Nonprofit technology for organizations ready to rocketship their fundraising and produce unprecedented impact, even during a pandemic.
Donation software on multiple device sizes.

We're all in this together

During this pandemic, nonprofits have shown the world how a global family works together. We support your pursuit of technology that'll ensure progress today and once we're on the other side.

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Funraise technology is built by nonprofiteers for nonprofits. We understand what you're facing and we're here to find answers with you.
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Heck yes! Give it up for these nonprofits that have pivoted their perspective and stepped into fundraising success.
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